Select IVF, where the journey to parenthood is guided by compassion, expertise, and cutting-edge fertility solutions. We understand that the dream of starting a family is deeply personal, and we are committed to helping you achieve that dream with the utmost care and professionalism.
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Select IVF
August 29, 2023

Best IVF Centre in Jodhpur – Rajasthan 2023: Fertility Empowerment

Welcome to the Best IVF Agency in Jodhpur, Rajasthan – Select IVF, a beacon of hope and advanced reproductive care. Situated in the heart of Jodhpur, our center stands as a symbol of excellence in fertility treatment.

With a passionate team of skilled fertility specialists, cutting-edge technology, and a patient-centric approach, we are dedicated to helping you realize your dream of parenthood. Our state-of-the-art facility offers a comprehensive range of assisted reproductive treatments, from IVF and ICSI to embryo freezing and genetic testing.

We understand the emotional and physical challenges of this journey, and our team is committed to providing personalized care and guidance at every step. Join us at the Best IVF Centre in Jodhpur, where your journey towards parenthood is embraced with expertise, empathy, and success.

ivf poster

Why should you trust SELECT IVF for IVF in Jodhpur – Rajasthan?

  • First-stage top counselling sessions
  • Premium services and processes
  • Highly competent specialists for IVF treatment in Jodhpur – Rajasthan
  • Sky-high IVF success rates in Jodhpur – Rajasthan
  • Contact us Email ID: [email protected]
  • Call us: +91- 9899293903

Understanding IVF

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex and revolutionary assisted reproductive technology that has provided hope to countless couples struggling with infertility. This section of the article will delve into the fundamental aspects of IVF, shedding light on the procedure, its steps, and the conditions under which it becomes a viable option for couples.

Explanation of the IVF Process

IVF involves a series of intricate medical procedures aimed at achieving a successful pregnancy for couples facing fertility challenges. The process begins with the stimulation of the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, which are then retrieved through a minor surgical procedure. These eggs are then fertilized with sperm in a controlled laboratory environment, resulting in the formation of embryos. After a few days of careful monitoring, the healthiest embryo(s) are selected and transferred into the uterus, where implantation and pregnancy hopefully occur.

Step-by-Step Breakdown of the Procedure

Ovarian Stimulation: Hormonal medications are administered to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Regular ultrasounds and hormone level checks are conducted to monitor follicle growth.

Egg Retrieval: Once the follicles reach the desired size, a minor surgical procedure is performed to retrieve the eggs using a thin needle guided by ultrasound.

Sperm Collection and Fertilization: Sperm is collected, and the healthiest sperm are selected for fertilization with the retrieved eggs through conventional insemination or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).

Embryo Culture and Development: Fertilized eggs develop into embryos in a controlled laboratory environment. The embryos are monitored for growth and quality.

Embryo Selection: Embryos are assessed based on their development rate and appearance. The most viable embryo(s) are chosen for transfer.

Embryo Transfer: The selected embryo(s) are transferred into the uterus via a thin catheter. This is a painless procedure that typically doesn’t require anesthesia.

Luteal Phase Support: Hormonal medications are provided to support the uterine lining and enhance the chances of successful implantation.

Pregnancy Test: Approximately 10-14 days after the embryo transfer, a pregnancy test is conducted to determine if the procedure was successful.

When IVF Becomes a Viable Option for Couples

IVF is considered when other fertility treatments, such as medication, intrauterine insemination (IUI), or surgery, have not resulted in a successful pregnancy. It may be recommended for couples dealing with:

  • Blocked or Damaged Fallopian Tubes: IVF bypasses the need for functional fallopian tubes.
  • Male Factor Infertility: ICSI can address issues related to low sperm count or poor sperm motility.
  • Unexplained Infertility: When the cause of infertility is not clear, IVF can offer a solution.
  • Advanced Maternal Age: IVF can counter the age-related decline in egg quality.
  • Genetic Disorders: Preimplantation genetic testing can screen for genetic abnormalities.
  • Endometriosis: IVF can be more effective for women with severe endometriosis.

Factors Influencing IVF Success

Age and Its Impact on Success Rates: Age plays a critical role in IVF success. Younger women generally have higher success rates due to better egg quality and ovarian function.

Health and Lifestyle Considerations: Overall health, body weight, and lifestyle factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption can impact the success of IVF.

Previous Fertility Treatment History: Couples with a history of failed fertility treatments might turn to IVF for improved chances of conception.

Role of Genetic Factors: Genetic factors can influence the quality of eggs, embryos, and the likelihood of success. Preimplantation genetic testing can help select embryos with the highest potential for success.

Here is a List of The Best IVF Centre in Jodhpur – Rajasthan 2023:

1. Select IVF

Select IVF
Select IVF

Select IVF stands as a pioneer in fertility care, offering tailored solutions for your journey towards parenthood. With a focus on cutting-edge technology, experienced specialists, and personalized care, we provide a comprehensive range of assisted reproductive treatments.

Our state-of-the-art facility ensures the highest standards of treatment, including IVF, ICSI, genetic testing, and more. We understand the emotional and physical complexities of fertility struggles, and our dedicated team is committed to guiding you with compassion and expertise.

At Select IVF, your dream of starting or expanding your family is our shared mission, supported by innovation, care, and success.

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2. Indira IVF

Indira IVF
Indira IVF

Indira IVF is a pioneering institution dedicated to making parenthood a reality. With a legacy of success, our specialized fertility treatments, advanced technology, and experienced medical professionals converge to offer you personalized and effective care.

Our patient-centric approach ensures that your journey towards parenthood is supported with empathy and expertise. At Indira IVF, we understand the emotional and physical challenges you may face, and we are committed to guiding you every step of the way.

Whether it’s IVF, ICSI, or other fertility solutions, our state-of-the-art facilities and compassionate team strive to fulfill your dreams of having a family. Welcome to a world where hope and science intertwine at Indira IVF.

  • Website:

3. Neelkanth IVF Centre

Neelkanth IVF Centre
Neelkanth IVF Centre

Nestled in the heart of Dimapur, the Neelkanth IVF Centre stands as a beacon of hope and advanced reproductive care. Renowned for its commitment to excellence, the center has become a trusted haven for couples and individuals seeking effective solutions to fertility challenges.

With a team of distinguished medical professionals and cutting-edge technology, Neelkanth IVF Centre offers a comprehensive range of fertility treatments and services.

From in vitro fertilization (IVF) to intricate procedures like intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), the center embodies innovation and compassion.

Aspiring parents can find solace in Neelkanth’s holistic approach, where personalized care meets breakthrough science to pave the way toward fulfilling parenthood dreams.

  • Website:-



Preksha Hospital & Chetna IVF Research Centre, located in the vibrant city of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, stands as a beacon of excellence in healthcare and fertility solutions. Renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and dedicated medical expertise, this center has earned its place as a trusted destination for comprehensive healthcare services.

Specializing in fertility treatments, the center offers cutting-edge IVF research and procedures, backed by a team of experienced specialists who are committed to turning hopeful dreams of parenthood into reality.

With a patient-centric approach and a focus on innovative medical advancements, Preksha Hospital & Chetna IVF Research Centre has become a symbol of hope and possibility for individuals and couples seeking top-tier medical care in the heart of Rajasthan.

  • Website:-

5. Kamla Nagar Hospital

Kamla Nagar Hospital
Kamla Nagar Hospital

Nestled in the vibrant city of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, Kamla Nagar Hospital stands as a beacon of medical excellence and compassionate care. Renowned for its unwavering commitment to serving the community, this esteemed healthcare institution has been a cornerstone of health services in the region for years.

Boasting state-of-the-art facilities and a team of skilled medical professionals, Kamla Nagar Hospital offers a comprehensive range of medical specialties and advanced treatments.

From cutting-edge diagnostics to advanced surgical interventions, the hospital’s holistic approach prioritizes patient well-being.

With a rich legacy of healing, Kamla Nagar Hospital continues to provide a haven of medical expertise, embracing innovation and empathy to ensure the highest quality healthcare for all.

  • Website:-

6. Vasundhara IVF

Vasundhara IVF
Vasundhara IVF

Vasundhara IVF, a pioneering name in fertility care, stands at the forefront of assisted reproductive technology. With a profound commitment to turning parenthood dreams into reality, Vasundhara IVF has established itself as a beacon of hope for couples seeking to overcome infertility challenges.

Through cutting-edge medical advancements, state-of-the-art facilities, and a compassionate approach, Vasundhara IVF has earned its reputation as a trusted partner on the journey to conception.

This comprehensive fertility center offers a range of services, from in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI) to surrogacy and egg freezing, all underscored by a dedicated team of experts.

Embarking on a mission to deliver joy and new beginnings, Vasundhara IVF continues to redefine possibilities in the realm of reproductive medicine.

  • Website:-

7. Aastha Fertility Care

Aastha Fertility Care
Aastha Fertility Care

Aastha Fertility Care stands as a beacon of hope for individuals and couples on their journey towards parenthood. Renowned for its unwavering commitment to excellence, Aastha Fertility Care has established itself as a leading destination for comprehensive fertility solutions.

With a team of skilled medical professionals and cutting-edge technology, the center offers a range of services tailored to address diverse fertility challenges. From advanced reproductive techniques to personalized treatment plans, Aastha Fertility Care prioritizes patient well-being and success.

This introduction invites you to explore the world of possibilities that Aastha Fertility Care opens, providing a haven of expertise, compassion, and innovation for those seeking to fulfill their dreams of starting or expanding their families.

  • Website:-

8. Nishant Fertility Centre

Nishant Fertility Centre
Nishant Fertility Centre

Nishant Fertility Centre stands as a beacon of hope and advanced medical expertise in the realm of fertility treatments. Renowned for its commitment to realizing the dreams of parenthood, Nishant Fertility Centre has firmly established itself as a leader in the field.

With a steadfast dedication to compassionate care and cutting-edge technology, the center offers a comprehensive range of fertility solutions tailored to individual needs.

Led by a team of experienced and empathetic professionals, Nishant Fertility Centre takes pride in its high success rates and patient-centric approach.

Through a harmonious blend of medical excellence and personalized support, the center continues to illuminate the path towards joyful parenthood for countless families.

  • Website:-

IVF Cost in Jodhpur – Rajasthan

Embarking on the path to parenthood through IVF in Jodhpur, Rajasthan is now more affordable than ever, with Select IVF offering comprehensive packages starting at just INR 85,000. This ensures that couples in the region can pursue their dreams of having a family without the burden of exorbitant costs. Select IVF’s commitment to accessible healthcare is reflected in their transparent pricing, top-notch medical expertise, and state-of-the-art facilities. The journey to parenthood is made smoother, both emotionally and financially, with the assurance of quality care and reasonable IVF Cost in Jodhpur – Rajasthan through Select IVF.

IVF treatments Cost of IVF treatments 
Basic IVF treatment Rs. 80,000 to 2,50,000
IVF with ICSI Rs. 2,00,000 to 3,50,000
IVF with FET Rs. 1,50,000 to 3,00,000
IVF with PESA, TESA, and TESE Rs. 2,50,000 to 5,00,000
IVF with sperm donor programs Rs. 1,00,000 to 2,50,000
IVF with egg donation Rs. 1,80,000 to 2,50,000
IVF with embryo donation Rs. 3,50,000 to 5,50,000
IVF with surrogacy Rs. 3,50,000 to 5,50,000
IVF with PGS/PGDRs. 1,50,000 to 2,50,000

What are the Success Possibilities of IVF in Kota – Rajasthan

IVF Cost in Jodhpur – Rajasthan
IVF Cost in Jodhpur – Rajasthan

The success rate of IVF depends on the challenges that are faced by one as there are many reasons why the sperm do not fertilize with eggs. For this reason, there are treatments that have been introduced. All the treatments hold their own possibilities. The average options have been mentioned in that success table as per the last year’s data. The Average Success of IVF in Kota – Rajasthan is 50% to 60%. If you want to know more about it, check out the table below the post. 

No.IVF treatmentsSuccess rates
a.        IVF with self-eggs50 to 60%
b.       IVF with self-sperm55 to 60%
c.        IVF with donor eggs70 to 75%
d.       IVF with donor sperm73 to 77%
e.       IVF with FET60 to 65%
f.         IVF with ICSI50 to 65%

Your Success rate with IVF in Kota – Rajasthan will still depend on several variables. Because some couples are older than others, this affects their odds. because producing healthy gametes becomes difficult as people age. Additionally, inadequate gametes during the IVF procedure can result in a failed IVF. So, for a successful outcome, you need healthy gametes. Instances include:

  • Women who are 45 years or older have a 15–20% probability.
  • Women who are 40 years or older have a 20–21% probability.
  • Women who are 35 years or older have a 25–28% probability.
  • Women who are 30 years or older have a 33–35% probability.
  • Women who are 25 years or older have a 40–50% probability.

What should you consider when selecting the top IVF clinic in Kota – Rajasthan?

We understand how difficult it becomes to select the best option for your infertility treatment but do not get tense as one of the best options is going to suggest to you where the patient collaborates with highly experienced and qualified doctors. The patient will find it comfortable as the staff will always stand by them away from all the quarries that come to their mind. We offer all types of infertility treatment so contact us today! To start, consider the following factors while selecting a location:

IVF Cost in Kota – Rajasthan
IVF Cost in Kota – Rajasthan

i. The patient-focused assistance of the Centre

ii. Professionals with extensive education and experience

iii. Infrastructure that is well – -built for maximum comfort and happiness

iv. The entire medical staff treats you with respect

v. Assists you throughout the entire process from the beginning

vi. Offers transparent fees and processes

You have the option of choosing IVF for all of these! So, reach out to us at +91- 9899293903 | Email ID: [email protected] 

👇👇👇 Want Get Pregnant at any Age? Feel Free to Book Appointment 👇👇👇


    In conclusion, Select IVF stands as the unequivocal Best IVF centre in Jodhpur – Rajasthan. With a legacy of excellence and a commitment to realizing parenthood dreams, we have transformed countless lives through our advanced fertility treatments.

    Our team of highly skilled medical professionals and cutting-edge technology ensures top-notch care and remarkable success rates. Located in the heart of Jodhpur, we proudly serve the community with compassion, empathy, and unwavering support.

    Choosing the best IVF centre is a significant decision, and Select IVF’s proven track record, personalized approach, and state-of-the-art facilities make it the optimal choice for turning your dreams of parenthood into a beautiful reality in Jodhpur, Rajasthan.

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